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Fun Ways To Pamper Fluffy

February 15, 2022

February is National Cat Health Month. Did you know that Fluffy’s mental and emotional health are both crucial to her overall health and well-being? Just like people, kitties can be severely affected by stress, fear, anxiousness, and loneliness. Boredom can also be an issue, believe it or not. A local Middletown, DE vet offers some tips on keeping your feline friend happy, healthy, and purring in this article.


You don’t need to break the bank buying cat toys, but you should make sure Fluffy always has some. Keep in mind that kitties all have their own unique tastes for playthings. Change things up regularly, and see what your furball likes best.


Playing is not only Fluffy’s main form of activity, it’s also great for her mind. This will be more challenging if you control your furry buddy’s ‘prey.’ Take a few minutes a day to hold a laser pointer or wand toy for your kitty.

Things To Explore

Kitties are very curious, and they love to investigate, well, everything. Make it a point to regularly bring Fluffy empty boxes and paper grocery bags. (Note: always cut the handles off bags before giving them to your feline pal.)

Room With A View

Fluffy may think of herself as a ferocious lion, and she loves stalking live prey, like birds and mice. However, she’s actually much safer staying indoors, where she isn’t at risk from cars, stray and wild animals, weather, and other hazards. Want to give your cute pet the best of both worlds? Offer her a comfy window spot with a good view.


This one probably isn’t a surprise, but it’s definitely worth mention. If Fluffy reacts to catnip, make a habit of picking up new catnip toys regularly. You can also get refillable toys, and just change the catnip out.


It’s easy to joke about how cold and aloof kitties are. However, they are actually very emotional, and get extremely attached to their humans. In addition to petting and playing with Fluffy, you should also talk to her. Your furry little friend may surprise you by talking back, or perhaps flicking her tail in response. (Some cats yell at their humans, but that’s another topic.)

Please do not hesitate to reach out if ever we can be of assistance. As your Middletown, DE veterinary clinic, we are here to help!

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