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Taking Your Reptile to the Vet

June 16, 2020

Do you have a snake, lizard, or turtle? These guys may not be as popular as dogs and cats, but they do have some wonderful traits and benefits. For instance, they’re very quiet, don’t need training, and are both beautiful and fascinating to watch. However, just like any other pet, reptiles do need regular veterinary care. A Middletown, DE vet discusses taking your pet to their doctor in this article.

Regular Care

How often your reptile needs to come in will depend on what type of pet you have, and how old they are. That said, most healthy adult pets need to come in at least once a year, while seniors, juveniles, and pets with health issues will need more frequent visits. Follow your vet’s recommendations.

Emergency Care

Keep an eye out for signs of illness or injury. These may manifest differently from animal to animal, but there are some common ones to watch for. Lesions, discoloration, sudden weight loss or gain, lethargy, diarrhea, respiratory issues, and anorexia are almost always red flags, as is discharge from the eyes, nose, or mouth. Call your vet immediately if you see any of these warning signs. It’s also important to pay attention to do plenty of research, and pay attention to your pet every day. The better you know your little (or not so little) buddy, the easier it will be for you to spot signs that something isn’t right.


You’ll need a good carrier to transport your reptile. You may want to get a second, smaller tank. This will also come in handy when you’re cleaning your pet’s main cage. Depending on how big your pet is, a hard-shell dog or cat carrier may do nicely. Another option is to use a plastic storage tote with air holes cut into it. Before transporting your pet, remove dishes and equipment that could roll or fall over onto them.

The Trip

Reptiles are very sensitive to temperature changes. In winter, make sure that the car is warmed up before bringing your pet out. You can fill some plastic water bottles with warm water, or put rice in a sock and microwave it for a minute. Put these against the sides of the tank during transport. Wrapping the tank in blankets may also help.

Please contact us, your Middletown, DE vet clinic, anytime. We’re here to help!

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