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Adopting A Rescued Rabbit

July 1, 2023

July is Adopt A Rescued Rabbit Month! There’s no bad time to bring Floppy into your home. Rabbits are super cute, and can be very fun and lovable pets. However, they do have some specific care needs. A local Galena, MD vet offers some advice on adopting a rescued rabbit in this article.

Look Before You Leap

If you’ve never had a bunny before, you’ll definitely want to do some research, and learn about Floppy’s care needs before proceeding. One thing that is crucial to know? Floppy is a chewing machine. Because bunnies have open-rooted teeth, they need to chew continuously. You’ll need to provide plenty of chew toys. It’s also important to know the warning signs of sickness.

Consider A Bonded Pair

If Floppy is an only pet, she may be lonely, especially when you are at work. Consider adopting two bunnies. It’s not uncommon to find bonded pairs up for adoption together. Not only is this a wonderful outcome for the bunnies, as they get to stay with their besties, but you’ll find that having two rabbits doesn’t cost much more than one.  Plus, you get twice the cuteness!

Get Ready

Before you bring your furry friend’s home, you’ll need to do some careful petproofing. As mentioned above, rabbits will chew anything and everything. You’ll need to remove anything that isn’t safe, such as toxic plants, ropes and strings, and plastic bags and wrappers. Small or sharp objects are also a concern. Additionally, you’ll need to protect wooden furniture legs and baseboards. Block off openings your little buddy can fit through, such as spaces under beds and couches. You’ll also need to have plenty of chew toys on hand. Ask your vet for more information.

Give Floppy Time

When you bring your new furry friend home, give her time to adjust before you try to handle her or let her out of her cage. Floppy needs to feel safe in her new home. You can talk to her, and call her to you by holding out a treat. Just don’t force things.

Meet The Doctor

One of the first things you’ll want to do is schedule a veterinary appointment. Floppy should have a nose-to-tail exam. This is a great time to ask for specific care advice! 

Do you have questions about your bunny’s health or care? Contact us, your Galena, MD pet clinic, today!

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