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Making Back To School Time Easier On Pets

August 15, 2021

August is Back To School Month! Starting a new school year is a big deal for kids! It’s also a big deal for pets! Many of our furry patients have gotten quite used to having their little humans around, especially after last year’s quarantines and home schooling. Your pet may need some extra TLC this month as they adjust to the new schedule. A Galena, MD vet offers some advice on this below.


Never underestimate pets’ capacity for getting into mischief. Some of those school supplies can be quite dangerous! Keep things like markers, crayons, elastics, pen caps, paperclips, scissors, staples, and glue out of paws’ reach. And while it may be easy to laugh at the old adage about dogs eating homework, this actually has happened. Keep papers and books in a safe spot, especially if you have a pup that eats, well, everything.


These days, many children are extremely busy with activities and athletics. If your pet is going to be spending a lot more time alone, they could get lonely and distressed. A dogsitter may be a good option for some. We also recommend providing lots of toys, and turning a radio or TV on for your furry friend before everyone leaves for the day.

Another way to help a lonely pet? Get them a buddy! Of course, this is definitely not a universal recommendation. Whether adopting another pet is a good or bad idea really depends on your household, budget, and schedule. Think things over carefully, and consider what kind of pet would be the best match for your household and resident furry pal. That said, if all lights are green, go for it!


Pets are very much creatures of habit. Make time for your furry buddy, even if that just means carving aside some cuddle time while you’re unwinding and watching TV. On the weekends, try to do things that can involve both your pet and the family. Take Fido and the kids to a park when it’s nice, or have your young ones build Fluffy a box castle. We also recommend walking and playing with your pet before and after school, to help them burn off their zoomies.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if ever we can be of assistance. As your local Galena, MD animal clinic, we’re here to help!

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