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Tips For Adopting A Specially-Abled Dog

May 1, 2023

May is Adopt A Specially-Abled Pet Day! This honorary pet holiday was made to raise awareness about the plight of pets that are extra special, in that they have physical handicaps, which often make it very difficult for them to find loving homes. If you’re considering adopting a specially-abled pet, you definitely have our support. In this article, a Middletown, DE vet offers some tips on adopting a specially-abled pet. 

Ask All The Questions 

One reason that specially-abled pets often have a hard time finding forever homes is because people assume they’ll need a lot of extra care. That isn’t always the case: many just need slightly different care than other pets do. In some cases, there may be a trade-off as well. A three-legged dog will still need exercise, but probably won’t need as vigorous a workout routine as his four-legged pals. That may be a plus to someone who doesn’t have the energy to keep up with a playful pup. Talk to both the rescue or foster agency and your vet, and find out what your furry friend’s specific care needs will entail. It may be less than you think! 

Prepare In Advance 

Before bringing your new buddy home, you’ll need to take steps to make your place safe and comfortable for them. What this entails will depend on the type of disability (or special ability) your furry pal has. If you’re adopting a blind dog or cat, setting out carpets and mats of different textures will provide them landmarks to navigate by. For a deaf pet, you may want to put a bell on their collar. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Contact Your Vet 

One of the first things you’ll want to do is make an appointment to introduce your furry pal to their new doctor. A nose-to-tail exam is definitely in order. This is also a great time to get some specific care advice.

Be Prepared To Commit 

Pets get very attached to their humans. It’s always really sad when an animal is adopted, only to be returned later. Make sure that you’re ready for a long-term commitment. Adoption is forever! (Of course, you’ll be rewarded with love and loyalty, which are both priceless gifts in our book.)

Do you have a specially-abled pet? Contact us, your Middletown, DE vet clinic, for their care needs. We’re here for you!

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