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Valentine’s Day Safety for Dogs

February 1, 2021

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. You’re likely already seeing boxes of chocolates and stuffed animals popping up in local stores. Just keep your canine buddy’s health and safety in mind over the next few weeks. Many of the things associated with this lovers’ holiday are dangerous for dogs! A Galena, MD vet offers some tips on keeping Fido safe in this article.

Don’t Share The Sweets

Chocolate isn’t the only sweet treat that is dangerous for dogs. Hard candies are also unsafe. Some of them can be choking hazards, as can the wrappers. Plus, many of them contain things like sugar, xylitol, nuts, and raisins, which are also toxic to pets.

Don’t Give Fido Any Chocolate

Chocolate is extremely dangerous to our furry friends. In fact, the fatal doses is only one ounce per pound of body weight. That’s really not a lot. It is true that some types of chocolate are more dangerous than others, with dark chocolate being the most dangerous. However, they should all be considered unsafe.

Keep Drinks Out Of Paws’ Reach

It’s probably safe to say that many people will be sharing a bottle of wine with their partners on the 14th. Don’t give your furry friend wine, beer, or any other alcoholic beverages. Even small amounts of booze can make your pooch very sick.

Use Caution With Bouquets

A pretty bouquet of flowers can brighten up any room. However, many flowers are actually dangerous to dogs. Lilies, tulips, daffodils, and azaleas are a few pretty plants that are toxic to Fido. Check the ASPCA site here for more information.

Be Careful With Candles

If you burn candles, put them in secure spots, well out of your canine pal’s reach. Wall sconces are a good option. Keep Fido away from fireplaces and firepits as well.

Hide That Teddy Bear

Fido tends to perk up anytime he spots a stuffed animal. Unfortunately, these can be dangerous for him. Smaller parts, like plastic eyes, can be choking hazards. Some dogs will also try to eat the stuffing or squeakers. Get your pup something of his own!

Keep Cards In High Spots

Cards aren’t the biggest concern here. However, the ones that play music or light up contain small batteries, which are not safe for Fido to eat.

Please contact us, your Galena, MD veterinary clinic, anytime. We’re here for you!

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