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Holiday Gifts For Puppies

December 1, 2021

Has a baby dog recently joined your family? Toys are of course at the top of little Fido’s wish list. While we definitely recommend getting your canine buddy some playthings, there are other options too. Read on as a Middletown, DE vet lists some holiday gifts for puppies.


Puppies are basically adorable chewing machines. Little Fido will gnaw on, well, everything, especially in that first year! Make sure he has some suitable chew toys.

Grooming Supplies

Now is the time to get little Fido used to being brushed and bathed, and having his feet and teeth looked after. Doggy beauty supplies are ‘pawesome’ stocking stuffers.


There are few things that are bound to get that tail going like a yummy snack! Just stick to things you know are safe. Many of the things we like to treat ourselves to over the holidays are toxic to dogs! Ask your vet for more information.

Obedience Training

Training is very important! You want little Fido to know and obey simple commands, such as Sit, Stay, Heel, and Come. If you’ve never trained a puppy before, you may need professional help. Ask your vet for recommendations.


We strongly recommend crate training, for a few different reasons. For one thing, little Fido will need to be crated at some point, either while at the vet’s or groomer’s, or perhaps for travel. This will be much easier on him if he sees his crate as a warm, comfy den. Just be sure to get one that will fit your pet’s expected adult size. Otherwise, you’ll be replacing it very quickly!

Winter Gear

If little Fido has a thick coat, you can probably skip this one. However, dogs with thin fur get very cold in frigid weather. You may want to get your furry pal a sweater or jacket. Don’t get too many at once, though: puppies quickly outgrow their clothes!

Travel Gear

Do you plan to take little Fido to lots of parks and trails? Look for a pouch made just for walking dogs. Some of these have features such as leash clips, spots for waste baggies, pockets for treats, and spots for keys, earbuds, or phone chargers. You can also pick up a doggy water bottle with an attached dispenser. These are great for being on the go!

Happy Holidays! Contact us, your Middletown, DE animal clinic, anytime!

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